Kyrygzstan 63k I team

RUNNER 1 (SuusLodge – Too Ashu): 33km I 2325hm+

Runner 2 (Too Ashu – SuusLodge): 30km I 74hm+


  • Start, Thursday, June 30, 2022, 07:00 a.m., SuusLodge
  • Finish: SuusLodge
  • Distance: 63 kilometers
  • Altitude: 2699m postitive
  • Maximum overall time: 17 hours

The race:

First you are crossing the Pamir Highway M 41 to your first steep climb with a maximum grade of over 25%. During the climb you can enjoy the wonderful sunset over the Tian Shan mountains. Passing the first checkpoint at km 6 you are exploring the “wild” backcountry. Small trails but also dirt tracks (horse tracks) bring you up to the first technically difficult terrain. Along the ridge, passing some small snow fields you reach the highest point of the race, the unnamed mountain with an altitude of 3500m. The first long downhill brings you back to the “civilization”. At the second checkpoint you are running left into a small valley. The second climb starts on small trails up on a grass hill. At the top an old soviet street leads you to the gold mine. Passing the first nomads who are living in their yurts will cheer the runners. After a short climb you are passing the third checkpoint. All facilities are at the top station of the Too Ashuu ski resort. An international medical crew will check all runners. The checkpoint is also the change for the relay teams.