Este texto está vigente desde el Thursday, November 18, 2021


1.1. You are registering through AvaiBook Sports system. This is an IT solution purchased by the event registrations manager and provided by AvaiBook on-line S.L.U., VAT number: ES-B99279622 and located at Plaza de las Cortes 2, 5ª planta, 28014 - Madrid (Spain), Mercantile Register in Madrid (Spain), tomo 44.413, folio 88, hoja M-782676, Inscripción 2, fecha 22/12/2022 (hereinafter AVAIBOOK).
1.2. Upon completing the registrating, you explicitly and entirely accept these General Terms (GT).


2.1. When registering for an event through AvaiBook Sports system, the resulting legal relationship is exclusively between you (hereinafter "the Participant") and the event registrations manager ("the Manager"). AVAIBOOK only supplies the technological tool allowing to manage the registrations for the event. Therefore, it shall not be held liable for the celebration or cancellation of the event, the information provided by the manager about the event, any possible planning mistakes or any other damages or loss caused to the Participant or to any of his belongings during the event, or for any damage caused by any reason not related to the IT solution.
2.2. Before registering, the Participant is responsible for understanding the Manager general and particular registration terms, which are not contained in this GT.
2.3. AVAIBOOK's responsibility towards the Participant is solely limited to ensuring the proper functioning of the IT solution which allows registering for the event. Once the event has taken place, the Participant will not be able to return the payment, under any circumstances, for any reason regarding the relationship between the Participant and the Manager, since AVAIBOOK does not accept any responsibility apart from the aforementioned one.


3.1. All the information about the event has been published by the MANAGER, therefore AVAIBOOK does not accept any responsibility arising from mistakes or omissions that could affect the proper registration completion or the celebration or proper functioning of the event.
3.2. The Participant is liable for ensuring that the information provided completing the registration form is authentic, in case of detecting any false information, it is at the discretion of the Manager to cancel the registration without refund, as well as taking any other action for damages.
3.3. The Participant guarantees that he meets all the necessary Manager requirements to register.


4.1. Registration rates are determined by the Manager. AVAIBOOK no tiene potestad ni para establecerlo, ni para modificarlo.

4.2.  Unless required by the Manager in his particular conditions, it is not mandatory to print and submit the proof of registration or other proof of participation in the event in order to pick up your dorsal, although it is recommended.


Cancellation conditions and possible penalties are determined by the Manager. Any complaint in this regard, shall be addressed directly to him.


6.1. The personal data provided by the Participant are processed according to AVAIBOOK's Personal Data conditions (https://www.avaibooksports.com/aviso-legal.php section 11).
6.2. In accordance with the provisions of the article 33 of the Organic Law 3/2018 on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, AVAIBOOK will be considered "Data Processor" and therefore, it will not be considered communication or transfer of data access by AVAIBOOK to the personal data of the REGISTERED, for the sole purpose of providing the registration service at the event.


7.1. Service continuity: AVAIBOOK does not guarantee AvaiBook Sports availability, access or continuity will be uninterrupted or error-free. Therefore, it shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Participant arising out of unavailability, access failure or lack of service continuity, with the limitations provided by the current legislation.
7.2. Links: the website where the registration is made can content links to other websites, Avaibook assumes no liability whatsoever for its contents or any consequences caused by its use.
7.3. Virus: AVAIBOOK undertakes to apply all necessary measures to try to guarantee the absence of viruses, worms, Trojans and similar elements. However, these measures are not infallible. Therefore, AvaiBook does not guarantee the absence of such harmful elements and  disclaims any responsibility for any damage these could caused.
7.4. Modification and suspension: AVAIBOOK reserves the right to modify, at any time, the look, the content or the functionality of the application AvaiBook Sports, as well as the right to suspend its services, temporarily or permanently and to modify at any time and without previous notice, these General Terms for the purposes of its adaptation to current legislation or other puposes, and it shall not be responsible for technical failures or interruption of the application services. The Participant shall have access to the latest version of these General Terms at anytime in the section "Legal Notice" on www.avaibooksports.com.


AvaiBook Sports software and design, as well as its source code, logos, trademarks and other distinguishing signs appearing therein, are owned by AVAIBOOK and they are protected by the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights. Their use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transfer, transformations, reverse engineering or similar activities are expressly prohibited unless explicitly approved in writing by AVAIBOOK or their owner.


9.1. These General Terms shall be governed by Spanish law.
9.2. In case of doubt, argument or conflict about the interpretation or application of any of these General Terms, with the waiver of any other applicable jurisdiction, AVAIBOOK and the Participant agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city where the event is held.
9.3. If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.


El GESTOR ha determinado las siguientes condiciones particulares que acepta y ha de cumplir:

Subsemnatul, declar ca am citit cu atentie regulamentul/detaliile concursului de pe pagina retezat.skyrace.ro si sunt de acord cu acesta/acestea in totalitate.

Menţionez că sunt informat în legătură cu riscurile ce apar in practicarea alergarii mixte (asfalt/pamant/piatra) în condiţiile deosebite pe care le presupune un asemenea eveniment: portiuni de trasee sunt neamenajate şi neprotejate, se folosesc poteci marcate şi nemarcate, pante cu înclinare mare şi zone accidentate.

Sunt de acord cu aceste condiţii deosebite şi, în cazul implicării mele într-un incident/accident de orice natura survenit în timpul concursului, îmi voi asuma întreaga răspundere pentru incidentul/accidentul respectiv şi nu voi pretinde organizatorului niciun fel de daune pentru acesta.

Sunt perfect conştient că participarea mea la o competiţie de acest nivel presupune abilităţi tehnice si sportive, motiv pentru care voi fi receptiv la eventualele sfaturi ale organizatorilor, pe întreaga durata a evenimentului şi ma voi supune deciziilor lor de interes general.

Totodata precizez că nu îi voi trage pe organizatorii concursului la răspundere în cazul în care voi fi descalificat din compeţitie pentru nerespectarea regulamentului/regulilor concursului.

Pe propria mea răspundere, mai declar următoarele:
- datele de mai sus sunt exacte;
- sunt apt din punct de vedere medical pentru alergare si sunt asigurat medical in caz de accident pentru acest concurs;
- am pregatirea fizică, psihică şi tehnică corespunzătoare pentru a participa la Retezat SkyRace 2022;
- cunosc implicaţiile juridice ale participării la acest concurs şi îmi asum întreaga răspundere în cazul în care sunt implicat într-un accident/incident si/sau sufar un accident de orice natura, inainte, in timpul si/sau dupa concurs, pe traseu sau in zona de concurs.
- înmânând Organizatorilor acest formular printat, completat și semnat confirm primirea kitului de concurs.


În contextul pandemiei COVID-19 declar pe propria răspundere că:
- nu am avut temperatură crescută în ultimele 14 zile;
- nu am fost testat pozitiv COVID-19 cu mai puțin de 14 zile in urma sau am fost declarat legal vindecat;
- nu am și nu am avut în ultimele 14 zile unul din simptomele COVID 19: tuse, gât iritat etc.;
- inţeleg și accept riscurile participării la un eveniment de masă în acest moment.

*Prin Organizatori se intelege Asociatia nonprofit Sport La Orice Varsta, Primaria Uricani si Club Alpin Valea Jiului.

*Numarul de concurs se completeza de Organizatori la primirea declaratiei.
